As a marketing major advertisements always catch my attention so I instinctively clicked on the link for the apple advertisement titled Blue Busters. The title was catchy but didn't give away the meaning of the commercial before I saw it. The ad was set to the Ghost Busters theme song and the writers made an excellent parody of it. The ad focuses around the launch of one of the new apple computers and is aimed at IBM which is also known as Blue.
The advertisement is really well and is very playful in nature considering the fact that it is a direct attack on IBM. The advertisement is largely regarded as a hit among consumers and those that work in the industry. I am definitely going to have to agree with the general consensus here the ad is wonderfully done and conveys its message in a unique and fun way. I would however like to see apple remake the ad for today possibly with a different movie like Jurassic Park, Star Wars, or any other 90's movie that's being remade.
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