Monday, December 14, 2015

High Tech Opera

The video links for the MET opera were really interesting. The main feature of an Opera is generally the music, but for the three videos this was not the case. Instead the stage was the main feature of these operas. The stage consisted of 24 panels that were hydraulically controlled and the whole apparatus weighed 90,000 pounds. These hydraulically controlled panels are a great feat of technology and allow the director and producers of the play to absolutely transform the stage 

The panels are used in several ways in the videos, but from these examples it is easy to see that they have the potential to be used numerous other purposes. My favorite scene with the panels has to be The Ride of The Valkyries. In the scene the actors ride the panels like they are the mythological bird, this effect is achieved by having the panels move up and down very similarly to a bird's flight. Although the panels are large blocks the effect is not lost on the audience. Another interesting effect is created when the panels are combined with projections. When these two elements are combined they produce a beautifully abstract set or background for the actors to work with. These panels are an extremely interesting addition to the opera. They open the door for possibilities like a moving stage that flows with the characters or a destructible environment on stage. The applications of this technology are limitless and I look forward to seeing future uses of it.

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